Our Story

My name is Calvin Winners and I am the owner and founder of WINNERS. I lived a very typical life – went to college, earned a degree, and secured a job. Although it was a great corporation and the finances were enticing, I sensed deep within myself that this wasn’t my true calling. I knew I was destined for something greater. Without understanding why or how, I took the leap of faith in following my passions. 

It was a battle against the programmed mindset instilled in me since childhood – the idea that security equaled fulfillment. But each day, I reinforced the mentality of who I wanted to become by constantly reminding myself to ‘Never Settle For Less’. Acting upon my excitements, passions, and never settling for anything less than I knew I deserved drove me to where I am today. It wasn't easy. There were moments of doubt, fear, and scarcity, but I refused to let them control my dreams. Over time my actions aligned with my aspirations, leading me to the creation of something beyond myself – WINNERS. 

I founded WINNERS as a clothing brand, recognizing that your wardrobe is an integral part of your daily life and self-expression, being something you interact with every single day. So next time you come across WINNERS – whether wearing it proudly or glimpsing at it in your closet – use it as a reminder that you deserve to live the life of your dreams and you possess the capability to be anything you visualize. Realize your potential, defy the status quo, and join us in rewriting the narrative of what it means to be a WINNER.